Chief Proctor

Prof. Deepak Babu

Chief Proctor

Siddharth University, Kapilvastu, Siddharth Nagar-272202

7905285627, 9415572627


  • The office of the Chief Proctor of Siddharth University is established with an objective of enforcing discipline and controlling the student activity. The University monitors the progress of the students at a closer level with the help of this office. Office of the Proctor has following Board of Members:

  • 1. Prof. Deepak Babu Proctor
    2. Dr. Ashutosh Verma, Botany Department Assistant Proctor
    3. Dr. Shivam Shukla, Commerce Department Assistant Proctor
    4. Dr. Renu Tripathi, Hindi Department Assistant Proctor
    5. Dr. Amit Sahani, English Department Assistant Proctor
    6. Dr. Kahkashan Khan, MBA Department Assistant Proctor
    7. Dr. Praygyesh Nath Tripathi, ANO, NCC, (Ex-Officio) Assistant Proctor

  • Every student enrolled in the University should maintain strict discipline and decorum governed by the University by giving due regards to the rights of other students. Any student may be subject to disciplinary actions if his / her action on campus are disruptive or are in violation of University rules and regulations. Following shall amount to acts of indiscipline in the campus:

    • Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching and non teaching staff of the University and against any student within the University .
    • Carrying of use of , threat to use any weapons.
    • Any violation of the provision of civil rights protection ACT , 1976
    • Violation of the status, dignity and honor of students belonging to SC/ST.
    • Any practice whether or otherwise derogatory of women.
    • Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner.
    • Willful destruction of University property.
    • Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds.
    • Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of University system.
    • Ragging
    • Anti Ragging