सिद्धार्थ विश्वविद्यालय कपिलवस्तु, सिद्धार्थ नगर - (U.P.)


Welcome to Siddharth University Knowledge Hub (SUKH). SUKH is an online hub operated by Siddharth University. SUKH provides unified login system for the educators of Siddharth University through which they can login and upload their content. It is accessible to all the students of Siddharth University. The University students can login to their student accounts and go through the lectures. The students can put forward their queries in the form of comments and discuss the content with the concerned educators. This enables the hub to be an interactive learning system. The content includes lecture notes as well as video lectures, ideas, concepts, free e-resources, e-content, and rare manuscripts etc. SUKH aims to harness the content created by the students of Siddharth University during their study. This may include – assignments prepared by students for internal evaluation (as per required by or curriculum framework), research project reports prepared by the students as part of curriculum, and/or any other content – of educational value – created by our students by collaborative editing and active moderation of the faculty members. This may be operated through MediaWiki based platform within the SUKH.